Do I Need A Walker Or A Rollator?

Choosing the right mobility aid can be a daunting task, with so many options to choose from. Whether you need support for inside the house, or for outdoor activities, or if you need to fit your aid in a car boot or on public transport, there are many factors to consider. But the most confusing choice is between a Rollator and a Walker.

Let’s break it down:

What’s The Difference between a Walker and a Rollator?

A Walker has four legs, but no wheels, offering greater support but requiring lifting from the ground to move forward. A Rollator, also known as a rolling walker, has four legs and wheels, allowing it to move forward without lifting and offering greater manoeuvrability. Most Rollators come with a seat for rest when outside, but can be larger in size, so choose a smaller, lighter model for indoor use only.

What Is A Walker?

A Walker is a lightweight frame with four legs, designed to support your weight and aid in moving around. It requires lifting and laying to move forward, making it ideal for supporting body weight and balance. Some walkers come with accessories like a bag for transport.

What Is A Rollator?

A Rollator is a four-wheeled walker with a range of accessories, including a seat, backrest, and walking stick holders. The wheels allow you to move forward without lifting, making it a great choice for those with weak arms or grip.

How to Decide if I Need a Rollator or Walker?

If you need support for balance and have the ability to grip and lift, a Walker may be the right choice for you. But if your balance is good but your arms are weak, or you need to sit down often, a Rollator would be the better option.

Fold-Up Walkers with Wheels: A Solution

Fold-up walkers with wheels feature two legs at the back without wheels and two legs at the front with wheels. This means you only need to partially lift the walker to move forward, requiring less arm strength and offering partial support for balance and weight. However, you need to control the wheels while manoeuvring.

Main Features of Walkers with Front Wheels:

  1. Two legs at the back and two wheels at the front
  2. Require less arm strength and hand grip
  3. Partially support balance and body weight
  4. May not have a seat
  5. Smaller frame, great for small spaces
  6. Lightweight, great for public transport

In conclusion, the right mobility aid depends on your individual needs. Evaluate your balance and arm strength, and choose between a Walker, Rollator, or Fold-Up Walker with Wheels to make your mobility journey easier and more comfortable.